very proud to be an investor in www.challengepost.com which did this amazing project!
best j
New York City Names Winners of Apps Contest
New York Times
The winners of the first NYC BigApps competition, which invited the public to develop applications using raw sets of municipal data, were announced at an ...
New York Times
The winners of the first NYC BigApps competition, which invited the public to develop applications using raw sets of municipal data, were announced at an ...
City Gives Big Ups To These Big Apps
Throughout the process, we've seen apps like Taxihack and NYC Broken Meters (aka free parking!) pop up, and last night the winners were officially announced ...
Throughout the process, we've seen apps like Taxihack and NYC Broken Meters (aka free parking!) pop up, and last night the winners were officially announced ...
NYC Big Apps Winners Listed
Fast Company
After months of deliberation, the panel of judges has come up with a prize winners list, and the apps all do seem to have pretty good utility. Big Apple Ed ...
Fast Company
After months of deliberation, the panel of judges has come up with a prize winners list, and the apps all do seem to have pretty good utility. Big Apple Ed ...
New award-winning phone app, Wayfinder NYC, points the (sub)way
New York Daily News
Victor Sima and Steven Lao created the application in the city's "NYC BigApps" competition, which gave programmers 170 sets of city data - like traffic ...
New York Daily News
Victor Sima and Steven Lao created the application in the city's "NYC BigApps" competition, which gave programmers 170 sets of city data - like traffic ...
City's BigApps Contest Picks 3 Winners: Subway Finder, Taxi ...
Village Voice
By Roy Edroso, Friday, Feb. 5 2010 @ 7:30AM WayFinderNYC. As shown in this video: Hold your phone as if you were taking a photo, and the app will show you ...
Village Voice
By Roy Edroso, Friday, Feb. 5 2010 @ 7:30AM WayFinderNYC. As shown in this video: Hold your phone as if you were taking a photo, and the app will show you ...
Mayor Bloomberg Announces Big Apps Winners
by Allen Stern on February 4th, 2010 Tonight at the IAC headquarters building in NYC, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the winners of the Big Apps ...
by Allen Stern on February 4th, 2010 Tonight at the IAC headquarters building in NYC, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the winners of the Big Apps ...
NYC's BigApps Winners Announced: WayFinder, NYC Way Lead the Pack
The BigApps prizes also included a Popular Choice Award, which was decided by an online public vote from people around the world. The grand prize winner for ...
The BigApps prizes also included a Popular Choice Award, which was decided by an online public vote from people around the world. The grand prize winner for ...
NYC BigApps competition winners announced
Core77.com (blog)
... sponsored a NYC BigApps competition, whereby entrants would design easy-to-use smartphone apps incorporating the data, and updating it in real time. ...
Core77.com (blog)
... sponsored a NYC BigApps competition, whereby entrants would design easy-to-use smartphone apps incorporating the data, and updating it in real time. ...
Can't Find the Subway? A New Phone App Will Find it For You
New York Show Tickets
Wayfinder, which works on Android mobile phones, was designed in response to the city's “NYC BigApps” competition, which gave programmers 170 sets of city ...
New York Show Tickets
Wayfinder, which works on Android mobile phones, was designed in response to the city's “NYC BigApps” competition, which gave programmers 170 sets of city ...
NYC BigApps Winners Announced
By Fred
I've posted about the NYC BigApps contest a few times here. And you all helped me with my chore of judging all 85 apps. Thank you for that. Last night I walked up The Highline to IAC Headquarters to attend...
By Fred
I've posted about the NYC BigApps contest a few times here. And you all helped me with my chore of judging all 85 apps. Thank you for that. Last night I walked up The Highline to IAC Headquarters to attend...
NYConvergence - A digest of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut ...
By NYConvergence
Last night at an awards ceremony held at IAC's headquarters in Chelsea, Mayor Bloomberg announced the winners of the inaugural NYC BigApps Competition, which opened up 170 datasets of city info for the purpose of creating Internet ...
By NYConvergence
Last night at an awards ceremony held at IAC's headquarters in Chelsea, Mayor Bloomberg announced the winners of the inaugural NYC BigApps Competition, which opened up 170 datasets of city info for the purpose of creating Internet ...
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