This company is trusted with 500 people's data (and growing)?
Really? Wow. ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Jason Calacanis
Date: Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 2:58 AM
Subject: You might want to fix this.
To: zuck@facebook.com, Sheryl Sandberg
Team Facebook, Seems as if anyone can add anyone to a Facebook Group. There is no "opt in." In this case someone added Mike Arrington and I to the "NABLA" group
on Facebook. I know I'm not a member of NAMBLA, and I'm going to guess
that Mike isn't either.
http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_162298770463078&ap=1 I've now been assigned to a group that advocates... well.... ummm....
you can look it up--it's very bad. Also troubling: 1. I was never asked to join the NABLA group
2. I was never informed that I was "force-joined" to the NABLA group. If you guys want to run these new features by me before you launch
them, I can probably save you from a couple of privacy law suits each
year. :-) best regards, Jason ps - Nice job on the .ZIP export.
Jason McCabe Calacanis
CEO, Mahalo My thoughts and ideas: www.jasonnation.com Angel Investor: Blippy, GDGT, Backupify, Postabon, Rapportive,
Gowalla, ChallengePost, Chartbeat, Tweetup, Jibe, SmartyPants,
StorkBrokers, Thumbtack, CauseCast and three stealth companies.
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